The major packaging trends of 2020. What can be done?
Trends that make an appearance in the packaging world can often be predicted. But who’d have thought a global pandemic would evolve, changing the way we live our day-to-day lives? COVID-19 has caused major shifts in consumer behaviour, resulting in new trends that will shape the future of packaging. But how will this affect further trends, and will the likes of sustainability be forgotten about?
Here, we discuss the major packaging trends of 2020 and explore ways your business can benefit from them.
Sustainability at every step
To no surprise, sustainability remains a major packaging trend. In a recent survey of ours, we found 46% of people agreed that ensuring sustainability at every step in their packaging journey is the number one trend likely to affect them the most. This includes the manufacturing process of packaging products, the sustainability of the materials used, the emissions from transportation of the packaging, and the end-of-life for the materials used. In short, there’re are several parts in the journey that need to be analysed in order to produce a real sustainable solution.
At Swiftpak, we understand what’s needed for a sustainable solution. We recognise the impact packaging products have on the environment by analysing the following points, helping our customers significantly reduce their environmental impact:
- Materials are sourced, manufactured, transported, and recycled using renewable energy
- Packaging is manufactured using eco-friendly production practices and technologies
- Weight and shape of packaging allows for efficient distribution and transportation
- Materials can be recycled, composted, or are biodegradable
By taking the above points into account, we offer a wide range of sustainable packaging solutions to help our customers meet their sustainability goals. This helps our customers not only reduce their carbon footprint, but shows they care about the environment - and many purchasers take sustainability into account during their buying decision.

Hygiene concerns
With the viral nature of COVID-19, consumers and organisations have become extremely cautious with the products and people they interact with. To put things into perspective, we’re now taking into consideration levels of hygiene more than ever before, and it’s become a major factor within a consumer’s buying decision. In fact, in our recent survey, we found that 23% of businesses mentioned current hygiene concerns were affecting their packaging the most. So how as a business can you cater for this trend in hygienic concerns with packaging?
In a recent study conducted by NIH, they found that COVID-19 was detectable for up to 24 hours on cardboard, and up to 3 days on plastic. But what does this tell us? Well, cardboard carries less risk of spreading COVID-19. . However, plastic packaging is easier to clean as the cleaning material will not damage it.
We offer solutions for both packaging materials. At Swiftpak we offer an extensive range of carboard and plastic packaging products. From double wall cartons to polypouch bags, cardboard envelopes, stretch wrap to book wraps and lots more. If you’re looking to provide both a hygienic and sustainable solution for your customers, contact us at Swiftpak today, we’d be happy to help.

Ecommerce everywhere
With how easy websites make it for us to purchase goods online, there’s no surprise this makes the list. But right now, ecommerce is bigger than ever, and there’s one reason why - COVID-19. In the world around us the economy is becoming increasingly digital, but it may surprise you that in 2019 only 19% of retail spending was online. According to the Office of National Statistical the online share of retail spending jumped to 33.4% in May 2020 – the highest on record.
The lockdown caused by COVID-19 has caused businesses and households to turn towards the internet for the majority of their purchases. Things like hand sanitiser, home products, groceries, electronics and medical supplies are all in high demand, and are being purchased online more than ever before.
To ensure the rise in online orders are fulfilled, businesses need a reliable packaging solution that not only guarantees protection, but will arrive on time, every time. This is where Swiftpak come in. Our range of packaging products are constantly stocked to ensure you have the ammunition needed to deliver for your customers. Our solutions can be tailored exactly for your product requirements, allowing for that perfect package.

To conclude
Due to the constant changes in consumer behaviour, keeping up with the latest packaging trends is vital. If you fall behind the curve, you may see your valued customers moving to a close competitor. To ensure your packaging solution keeps up with latest trends, get in touch with an expert at Swiftpak today or book a free packaging audit, we’ll uncover the potential in your packaging.